Sunday, April 20, 2008


I haven't blogged for over a month, and I missed it. I thought I might give it up cold turkey, but I have changed my mind.
I am currently working on a scrapbook for my Nana, who just passed away. I am planning on giving it to my dad for his 50th birthday, which is coming up in May. I want to plan an amazing 50th backyard party for him with my mom...but she is kind of a stick in the mud when it comes to parties. We'll see if I can convince her.
I am working on planning out our garden for the summer. I think Steve and I are going to get some plants later today. We shall see. I also have to go to the gym.



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Things are looking up!

Ok, so...I haven't posted in quite a while. In my absence, my grandmother has passed away. I have been hideously distraught, and eating like a hoss in my semi-depression. I need to get back on track. Steve and I are planning a getaway ASAP...we are looking at Ireland (Belfast), Scotland (Glasgow), or Costa Rica!!! Either way, I need to start going tanning or something. I am low on the vitamin D and everything looks better to me when I have a tan.
I have applied to the TDSB (now I just sit and bite my nails until they call me), and I am planning on applying to other jobs as soon as I have my OCT number. Having my resume done feels great.
My new job is super. I love my new much nicer than Einat (WHO GOT FIRED MIGHT I ADD, LEGITIMATELY).
I have been thinking about this whole blog thing-seriously...why the hell am I even wasting my time writing it? I mean, who would be interested in the musings of a tewlve year old girl? (okay, I am a little older than twelve...and I stole that line right out of Anne Frank's mouth) I think even if people were reading this blog (mostly anyone who knew me) I would die of embarassment, hence why I have never sent out the reqisite "check out my blog" pan-email.
I may stop writing. Depends.
Oh yeah...and that "bootcamp" contest I was blathering on about in January? I didn't do it. Even for one day. THAT'S how much will power I have.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sometimes you just have to suck it up, Buttercup...

OK, so...I told you that Einat (my "boss") was basically functionally retarded...well she told me (after she let me work my full shift) that I wanted too many shifts, and as a result of my full availablility, they had no shifts for me (?) and as a result of my poor performance in December (when I didn't even work there) I had to be "let go." As you can imagine, I laughed hysterically because I thought for SURE she was joking. But, no. So I asked her about pay, and when I would recieve it. She said I would need to wait for my cheques and come in to pick them up...nonononono. That is not how it works, I told her. All of my wages must be paid out within 7 days or at the next pay period, whichever is longer. That is not how it works around here, she said. That is the legal way that it has to work in Canada, moron. Then she helpfully suggested I should sue the Pavilion. See? Bitch. I told you. So I wrote to my more senior boss who told me that I am not fired, and that Asshat, I mean, Einat, does not have the authority to let me go. I, of course, quit immediately. So, we'll see what happens. No one is returning my phone calls, or my emails. I am pissed. I better get my money, or someone is gonna be in shit.

On a happier note, I got the job by the gym at my house, which should be way better. It also saves me $42.00/month, as I am paying that right now for my membership which will be free henceforth. I start Monday. It is way closer and way less sketchy.

This month starts the budgeting venture. How little can I spend? Necessary expenses only. I would like to come up in the black for once...and pay down some of this school debt.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

David Burdeny and a Career in Advertising?

Ok, so...I had two job interviews today, and I am pretty sure I am taking them both. I just have to see how I can swing it. One is selling ad space in "On the Go" magazine, which is for Go Transit commuters, the other is, of course, at a gym.
February is the month for resolutions. I once read that in February humans are at their fattest, and therefore I will be starting my resolutions Feb. 1 (the procratinator strikes again!). But really, I have also decided that my aforementioned plan is crazy, and I will be doing a slightly less intense version that I will print out for you later.
If you are ever surfing the net for some gorgeous photography eye-candy, Google David Burdeny. He is Canadian, and his photography is absolutely stunning! If it didn't cost a million dollars (well, not quite) I'd buy it all. Some of it is for sale at I am planning on buying his "Vanishing" print and it enlarged to grace my walls. He is my photographer boyfriend.
On a sadder note, the Leafs lost, certainly not the fault of Kyle Wellwood though. He is my hockey boyfriend.

I love you.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A New Job and a New Lease on Life...

Ok, so...the job interview went incredibly well. My fitness and reception background and my experience with children has led to an awesome position at the women's-only fitness club I belong tp. Free membership means substantial savings, plus I love the atmosphere and I LOVE the gym. My interviewer was also so impressed with my credentials that she offered me a full-time position in several facets. They are going to train me for reception, personal training and sales as well beause I "have that personality." I am sooooo relieved that I can finally leave the toxic job that I have now, and this place is much, much closer.
I have found an eating plan (clean eating) for my "boot camp" to lose 15 lbs. I have also found some inspiration: Tosca Reno has posted a clean eating contest. Basically one has to take some "before" photos and file them away, then eat clean for three months and take more photos and send them in. I am totally going to do this, of course I plan on "fattening" myself in these photos, ie pouching out my belly, giving myself a double chin etc, beause I am honestly not that fat. Only a bit, and I think if I can get ripped with this meal and workout plan, I could definitely possibly win this contest (although probably not). Three thousand dollars seems like good incentive to me to stay off the junk (food) for three months.
Here is the diet:
7:00am- 1/3 c. dry oatmeal cooked with 2/3 c. water topped with 2 T. ground flaxseed.
- 5 egg whites scrambelled or boiled
- 1 c. green tea
- 1L water
9:30am- 5 oz whitefish or chicken
- 1/2 c. raw veggies
12:00pm- 1 1/2 c. greens with 3 radishes and 5 chreey tomatoes with 5 oz canned tuna in water
and lemon juice for the dressing.
-1 c. green tea
- 500 ml water
2:30pm- 5oz grilled chicken
- 1/2 c. raw veggies
- 500 ml water
5:00pm- 5oz grilled chicken or fish
- 1/2 c. raw veggies
- 500 ml water
After dinner: Water or herbal tea only
This may strike you as a little strict, and it honestly makes me a litte nervous too, but I am sure that if I mix it up enough with the seasonings, I should be fine. As well, I don't know how I feel about eating grilled chicken or fish at 9:00am, so I will likely skip that meal and add half of a steamed sweet potato with my dinner.
My planned workout is as follows:
Monday: 35 mins on treadmill (run) and shoulders, back and abs
Tuesday: 45 mins on treadmill (run)
Wednesday: 35 mins on the treadmill (run) and chest and hamstrings
Thursday: 1 hr on the treadmill (run)
Friday: 35 mins on the treadmill (run) and quads, shoulders, biceps and triceps
Saturday: off
Sunday: Yoga
It all starts this evening. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Power of Positivity...

Ok,so...I have decided that my blog is NOT going to become a bitch-fest. So many of the blogs I read are people complaining about how terrible their lives are. I, on the other hand, am going to try to be more positive. I am supposed to be using this as a source to collect my thoughts, and improve my life, which, although it is certainly NOT altogether terrible, could stand to be improved.
Since it is already Monday, I should outline my goals for the week:

  1. Apply to TDSB online
  2. Get to the gym at least three times
  3. Eat clean all week
  4. Begin my February budget
  5. Get to bed before midnight
  6. Floss every time I brush

I don't know what it is about flossing, and this will definitely sound crazy, but something about it makes me feel like I am completely in control of my life. It is such a small thing, but so symbolic. I am also sarting my "Last fifteen pounds" boot camp. I am so sick of being unhappy with my fatness. I am going to do something about it and quit whining and eating like a horse.

I have my job interview tomorrow. I hope it goes well.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Job Prospects and a Pretty End Table...

Ok, was a semi-productive day. Although I didn't get to all of the items on my to-do list, I did manage to get to some things that have been looming for quite some time...namely my license renewal. My birthday is at the end of November, so theoretically, this should have been done then...but as my penchant for the procrastination makes sure I do nothing before it is well overdue, I did it today.
I have decided that the first order of business that I need to tackle to get my life back on track is get the hell out of my job. I am a secretary right now, and I work in the most emotionally toxic environment ever. My boss is a total bitch from hell, and almost every person I have encountered here lies like it's his job. In short, I hate the living daylights out of it. Basically, I am applying for anything that will pay me as of right now. I personally do not think that working for basically minimum wage at a job that is like, 50 km from my house is conducive to living the stress-free life that I am seeking.
My bf, Steve and I are currently cohabitating with his parents. They really are lovely and so generous, but we are definitely looking at moving on ASAP. To occupy ourselves and to sate our restlessness, we have resorted to looking at furniture and design on the web. It's almost like porn for us. Only without the whole "arousal" aspect. We already had some gorgeous chairs reupholstered, and we are looking at making a table.I love the little square end table to the left of the couch, so we are going to attempt to recreate it. I think it will look suitably chic in a dark walnut stain, and it will match our grey ostrich skin chairs very well.

S is an engineer, and a bit sensitive about his woodworking's a man thing I think. He really wants to make this table himself, so he can show me his mad carftsman skillz...

Ok, so...this week starts the South Beach Diet. I've been on it before. It works, but I AM a crazy bitch when I am on it. I have to do it for the bikini though. I am quite unsightly right now in my "natural" state. I might do the whole weigh-in/measurement, or I might just lie. We'll see what I decide.
Tomorrow's goals:
-Oil change
-Pick up my meds
-Do NOT kill the bitch-boss
-Make rice pudding

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finding a purpose...

Ok, so...I have been mulling over the purpose of this blog for months now and procrastinating, as I am wont to do. Basically, I feel like right now, my life is out of control and I guess I just wonder if I am alone in this sentiment. My life is stagnating as a direct result of personal debt, poor eating habits, clutter, etc. I want to use this blog to essentially chronicle my ascent out of this state of "life inertia". My "to do" list is a mile long, but just thinking of trying to tackle all of the tasks at once makes me want to take a nap.

So, I am planning on taking baby steps and setting goals in an effort to "clean my personal house" (ps I love to quote myself). I think the first order of business will be to successfully land myself another job. I have an interview on Monday, so we'll see how that goes. As well, I need to call the little Montessori school by my house to see if they are hiring. I should go to the library tomorrow and take out Maria Montessori's book...and I need an oil change...and I need to pick up my pills...see? The list never friggin' ends. I could go on, but I'll spare you.
Tomorrow's goals?
  • Send resume to the Montessori
  • Get book from the library
  • Get oil change
  • Get pill
  • Do banking
  • Go to the gym
Let's see how it goes...I'm sure you're giddy with suspense.

Finding balance can be tricky...