Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Power of Positivity...

Ok,so...I have decided that my blog is NOT going to become a bitch-fest. So many of the blogs I read are people complaining about how terrible their lives are. I, on the other hand, am going to try to be more positive. I am supposed to be using this as a source to collect my thoughts, and improve my life, which, although it is certainly NOT altogether terrible, could stand to be improved.
Since it is already Monday, I should outline my goals for the week:

  1. Apply to TDSB online
  2. Get to the gym at least three times
  3. Eat clean all week
  4. Begin my February budget
  5. Get to bed before midnight
  6. Floss every time I brush

I don't know what it is about flossing, and this will definitely sound crazy, but something about it makes me feel like I am completely in control of my life. It is such a small thing, but so symbolic. I am also sarting my "Last fifteen pounds" boot camp. I am so sick of being unhappy with my fatness. I am going to do something about it and quit whining and eating like a horse.

I have my job interview tomorrow. I hope it goes well.

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